Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Project

When I have an idea for the yard, I usually have to get Wayne to look at what I'm thinking about, to see what he thinks. If he thinks it will fly, I go get the lady who runs the park. Then I explain best I can what I would like to do and why, today's project though was different.
I guess from living with Wayne I have learned to ask for what I would like more specifiably. So , yesterday, rather than going to her, I called her and asked her to come to the yard to see what I had in mind... MUCH EASIER!!  She came up, okayed the project and we went to sign the official paper work.  ( So happy she said yes Tee Hee Hee ).
Of course the next thing I needed was supplies, in this case rocks ( LOTS of them... LOL). So after the laundry was done, Wayne and I went rock harvesting. When we competed that task, I started my project. It didn't take as long as I thought it would, I was done within a two hour period. The photo's are in the order of the project, so if you want to view them scroll down a bit .

I may be bias, but I think it turned out pretty-not-bad ! It got dark on me, so I will have to take the finished photos tomorrow. Now all I need is some mulch and plants...

"Oh Hunny... will you help me buy some flowers for my new bed????"
" Okay...."
"Thank you !"

Hope you enjoy the pict's..

For those of you who follow the Prompt of the day , your tease is...A Butterfly cinquain..
Hope to see you join in

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